




恐怖片《水面之下的***》英语版由Lauren,Watson,Jamie,Temple,Blake,Retter...主演,2012年在加拿大地区发行。阙辛延道:“就是自斩分身,然后燃烧灵魂——这一幕,华紫嫣曾经做过。”Sticky and hot from the long drive to visit a relative at their newly acquired, remote, rural farmhouse, Sam and Jason, a young couple on vacation, decide to swim in a pond they find at the end of a freshly cut path. While swimming, Jason is bitten by a strange leech-like organism. When he attempts to remove the creature, part of it rips off and crawls inside his leg. Back at the house, Sam’s sister and her family have yet to return. As time progresses, the injury on Jason’s leg worsens into a rapidly spreading infection, and strange clues begin to reveal that there may be more to their host’s absence than it previously appeared. It soon becomes a race against time to discover what happened to Sam’s sister and her family and what lies in store for Jason, faced with his physical and emotional disintegration.感谢点播《水面之下的***》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对211电影网的支持和厚爱!

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